
Thursday, July 18, 2013

The zoo in Zlin

On Saturday, we got to go to the zoo!  It was very exciting to go and see all the animals (some of them VERY up close).  BUT as exciting as it was to see the animals and spend the day at the zoo, it was even more exciting to see the Zitnanski family!!  Jano, Mata, David, Noemka, and Karinka (who live in Trnava, Slovakia) and are very, very dear friends decided to join us at the zoo as well.  

It was a joy to see my "sister" and my godchildren and for Evan to hang out with his "cousins".  

We did get to see lots of other cool stuff too:)

More pictures after the jump!

LOTS of pictures!!!!

Well, I was trying to upload a lot of pictures as a slideshow or link them somehow, but I couldn't quite figure out how best to do that.  So, rather than spending another 20 minutes -- here are lots of pictures!  I'll put captions on them to give you some idea as to what they are!!

Typical housing

Evan with Pat and Mat (very famous Czechoslovak characters - you can see them here:

At a bounce house in downtown Zlin
 More after the jump.....

Our first week in Zlin!

We made it!  We have now officially been in Zlin for a week, and it has been a wonderful whirlwind. 

Saying good-bye to Mimi and Poppop at the Ft. Myers airport

We're READY!  

Our flight to from Ft. Myers to Atlanta was late leaving due to some kind of problems in Atlanta.  So, we just made our connecting flight from Atlanta to Amsterdam.  Although, that flight was late leaving too!  The flight itself was fine.  Thankfully, Evan slept for several hours, and I dozed a little bit.  However, we missed our flight from Amsterdam to Vienna and "got to" spend about six hours in the airport.  If you have to get stuck in an airport, Amsterdam is a great one.  There were things to do - even a little inside playground!

Johnny and Annette Johnson were waiting for us in Vienna!!  The only thing that didn't make it was Evan carseat:)  And then after about a three hour drive, we arrived in various states of sleep in Zlin. 

Jetlag overall has been pretty minor.  The second night Evan and I were both restless for a while, but we didn't get up and have been fine ever since!

Thanks so much for your prayers!

Miriam and Evan

PS.  There are more blog posts (and importantly pictures) to come:)