
Monday, April 22, 2013

April 2013 Newsletter

When are we leaving? How many more sleeps?

The Lord has used you to be the hands of His faithfulness!  You support us and love on us through your financial gifts, your prayers, your love, and your time.  Thank you all so much.  In the past several months, almost $1000 in monthly pledges have come in!  Our God is so good.  We would LOVE to be in Zlín by summer, and through you that is possible!

Mission to the World (MTW) has strict guidelines that say that we must be at 100% before we can leave for Czech Republic.  Right now we are at 75%.  Will you help us get to 100%?
How can you help?

You can pray for Evan, for me, and for the people in Zlin, Czech Republic.

You can give financially - either one time or monthly or both:)

You can give on-line through MTW's secure website at:


You can call MTW at 678-823-0004, and they can set you up.  Our account number is #12730.

We are asking you to come alongside and partner with us as we hold out the words of hope in Christ to a spiritually lost nation! 

With great love,  
Miriam and Evan Grady

Home Ministry Assignment (HMA)

What do you do with your time?  It's not a question that I get asked a lot, but it's a question that I often wondered about missionaries when they were on this mysterious thing called HMA (or what used to be called furlough).

This past year, I have gotten very involved in the life of my home church in Sarasota, FL.  I am helping with Kids Klub (you can see in the picture we visited a local nursing home and passed out Valentine's Day cards), I am teaching and co-teaching two women's Bible studies, active on the missions team, and generally very involved in the life of the church.

When I started teaching the women's Bible studies, I was very nervous.  While I have taught a lot, it has always been with people who were about the same age or younger than me -- teaching a "real" women's Bible study was definitely out of my comfort zone.  Most of the ladies are 15-25 years older than me.  I have enjoyed it so much and have gained so much wisdom and insight from them.  It has been such a privilege to lead them!

We have also spent LOTS and LOTS of time visiting and planning future trips.  While it can get tiring, it has been so much fun to get to know people, catch up with others, and introduce Evan.

The other parts of my time are spent doing fun administrative tasks:)  Updating databases (like this new fancy newsletter format), emailing, promotional material, etc.

While it has been good, our hearts are longing to be set down in Zlin!



Visiting - Past and Future

One of the joys of being on HMA is the ability to visit with so many of you!  In February we visited Flintstone, GA; Lake Suzy, FL; and Ft. Myers, FL.  In March we visited Chestnut Mountain, GA; Augusta, GA; and Opelika, AL.

The first week of May we will be in the Chattanooga area to celebrate my cousin's graduation from Covenant.  Then at the the end of the month we will head north where we will visit with Redeemer Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Ada, MI and Westminster Presbyterian in Elgin, IL.

It has been so much fun and so encouraging!  I have loved introducing you to Evan.  You all have welcomed him with open arms!


A Missionary to Czech Republic

In case you were wondering what a missionary to Czech Republic looks like -- here you go!  In March, Evan and I were privileged to attend the Mission Conference at Chestnut Mountain Presbyterian Church.   While we were there, Evan also got to make several crafts, and this was my favorite one!

Since most of the conferences have been smaller, Evan had not yet had a chance to really interact with other missionary kids (often referred to as MKs).   He loved getting to know a few of them.  Mostly though he was excited to know that he was not the only one.  It's fun to see the gears clicking in his mind as he begins to put different things together.   He is getting more and more excited to go to "Checker Plublik' -- as he calls it!

Our mailing address is:
1222 Georgetowne Ct.
Sarasota, FL  34232

Our email address is:
Our blog address is:

Friday, April 19, 2013

Broken Bones!

Last Friday, I got a call from Evan's school.  His teacher told me that he had fallen from the monkey bars and his arm was hurting.  He even said that he needed to get a picture taken (an x-ray) because it hurt like when he broke his collarbone.  (He broke that in December from falling off his bed in his sleep!)  But, I talked to him and overall he seemed okay. 

I picked him up at the regular time.  He seemed totally fine.   I didn't know what to do.   I got in touch with a family friend who has been a pediatrician for about 40 years (Bob Shamsey), and he said that anytime a kid falls that that you should take him for an x-ray. 

On Saturday, Evan said that his arm hurt a little, but he didn't act like it and even went swimming!  But I felt like I should take him for an x-ray, especially since it had been recommended.  So that afternoon, we went to the emergency room. 

After an x-ray, the doctor came back and he had a buckle fracture in his wrist!  

On Monday, we went to get a cast.  Altogether, he will have the cast on for six weeks!

He's not in any pain, and thinks it's kind of cool to have a cast.

Showing off his cast!

The first day - and see how white it is?  It's already grey:)

One of the things that I was the most nervous about in becoming a mom was dealing with sickness and having an active boy.  It was further complicated by the idea of what to do in Czech Republic when I don't know what to do or ask even in English.  God has given me as a mom such comfort!  He's allowed us to successfully live through two broken bones -- along with visits to the hospital and visits to the doctor.  While I'm still a little apprehensive, I am much more at peace with knowing that God will always take care of us!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

O Zion Haste

I don't think of myself as a person who really enjoys poetry.  It's sometime hard for me to wrap my brain around it; but on the other hand I enjoy hymns a lot.  And there are times when God uses those words to impact me in a new way. 

A few weeks ago, while we were visiting Chestnut Mountain Presbyterian, was one of those times.  I'd encourage you take a few minutes and reflect on the words.  They are excellent!

O Zion, haste, your mission high fulfilling,
to tell to all the world that God is light,
that he who made all nations is not willing
one soul should perish, lost in shades of night.

Publish glad tidings, tidings of peace,
tidings of Jesus, redemption, and release.

Behold how many thousands still are lying,
bound in the darksome prison-house of sin,
with none to tell them of the Savior's dying,
or of the life he died for them to win. (Refrain)

Proclaim to ev'ry people, tongue, and nation
that God, in whom they live and move, is love;
tell how he stooped to save his lost creation,
and died on earth that we might live in love. (Refrain)

Give of your sons to bear the message glorious;
give of your wealth to speed them on their way;
pour out your soul for them in prayer victorious,
and all your spending Jesus will repay. (Refrain)